Acacia coriacea

Accession Count: 2
Common Name: wirewood
Family Name: Fabaceae
Botanical Name: Acacia coriacea
Sub Species:
Characteristics: The wiry wattle is a dense evergreen shrub that can be trained as a small tree reaching heights up to 10 m (about 32 ft). Its branches and fissured trunks are a greyish brown. The whole canopy consists of pendulous leaves and branches (foliage and branches drop down or ‘weep’) giving the canopy a wispy appearance (1). Its light green leaves are modified leaves called phyllodes that are flat and thin and can be about 9-22 cm (3.5-8.6 in) long (2). The new shoots of leaves are yellow and are hairy at first but then turn into glabrous phyllodes (1). Its flowers are hermaphrodite, borne on disordered raceme inflorescences on stems and tend to flower from the axils of peduncles and leaves (1). Its flowers are yellow spherical puff balls that are clusters of the flower's stamens. Its fruits are dehiscent moniliform pods that are light green to light tan in color when ripe and are about 15-32 cm (5.9-12.6 in) long and can be a little over a cm wide (1). The pods contain multiple black and orange seeds that are individually about a centimeter wide (1).
Compound: Aca cor
Geographic Origin: Australia
Ecozone Origin: Australsia
Biome Origin: Tropical and Subtropical Shrublands, Xeric and Desert Shrublands
Natural History: The weeping wirewood is native to arid tropical and subtropical regions in Northern and Western Australia (3). They are also native to well-known Australian states like Queensland and New South Wales and are also native to some areas in South Australia (3). In its native range this plant can be found at elevations of up to 760 m (about 2493.44 ft) and resides on sand dunes, plains, streams along drier lands, and undulating plains (3). This species of the Acacia genus is known to be one of the most drought tolerant Acacias in Australia (3). Because this plant is also native to dry tropics in Australia, it has potentials to be compatible with desert climates and dry soils. In its natural habitat, it can be a source of shade for wildlife and its seeds from young pods are eaten by certain species of birds (1). Its foliage has some nutritional value and can be eaten by cattle during drought periods (1).
Cultivation Notes: This plant is cold hardy to USDA zones 9-11 and cannot tolerate temperatures below -5°C which could kill the plant (3). New growth on leaves can be damaged by temperatures lower than -1°C (3). This plant can succeed in being positioned in full sun and should be planted in well drained sandy or loamy soil (3). The pH range for soils should be preferably around 6.5-7.5 but soils with higher alkalinity or pH can be tolerated (3). The wiry can thrive with low to moderate watering and has been reported to be satisfied even in dry soils (3, 4). It can be propagated by seed: seedlings can take up to 3-4 to germinate (3). This plant can fix atmospheric nitrogen with soil bacteria and can even supply nitrogen to any nearby plants (3, 4).
Ethnobotany: This plant has many ethnobotanical uses that range from medicinal, commercial, and even for edible purposes. This plant's bark contains astringent properties; ingested astringents are used to treat diarrhea or internal bleeding caused by severe diarrhea (3). If astringents from this plant are applied topically as a wash it can be used to treat skin, hemorrhoids, irritated eyes, or to be used as a mouthwash (3). Yellow and green dye can be extracted from flowers and seed pods (3). Its heartwood is a deep brown and has been cultivated for producing fence posts, small tools, and other pieces of small equipment (3). Its wood is cultivated to produce coal but is considered more efficient as firewood rather than coal (3). Its seeds are very nutritious because they contain high contents of protein, fiber, and other nutritious carbohydrates (3). They are eaten cooked and are commonly roasted then made into a paste (3). This plant's ground seeds can also be harvested as an alternative to caffeine-free coffee (3). The stems of this plant have been used to make sharp spears or boomerangs, and its seeds were used in necklaces (1).

Height: 20 - 50 feet
Width: 16 - 20 feet
Growth Rate: Moderate Growing
Grow Season: Spring
Flower Season: Summer
Color: Yellow
Function: Shade
Spread: Non-spreading
Allergen: Non-allergenic
Invasive: Benign
Toxicity: Benign
Hardy: Hardy
Water Use: Moderate Water Use


1. _Wattles of the Pilbara. Retrieved December 13, 2024

2. Wattle Acacias of Australia, Retrieved December 13, 2024

3. Useful Tropical Plants, Retrieved December 13, 2024

4. Practical PlantsRetrieved December 13, 2024


Acacia coriacea