Quercus hypoleucoides

Accession Count: 1
Common Name: silverleaf oak
Family Name: Fagaceae
Botanical Name: Quercus hypoleucoides
Sub Species:
Characteristics: The silverleaf oak is typically found as a large shrub, however with sufficient watering, can grow to be a small to medium sized tree (3). As medium sized trees they can be found growing up to around 30 ft tall and as shrubs around 6 – 10 ft (1,3,5). The leaves are evergreen, simple and are narrowly oblong to lanceolate in shape with a leathery texture, revolute and unlobed edges, with shallow teeth (4,6,7). Another quality of the leaves are their distinct colors. The top of the leaves is a shiny dark green, while having a silvery white bottom from which they get their common name (1,3,4,6,7). The flowers of the silverleaf oak are green and white catkins that droop from the leaves and bloom around the spring (6). As with others in the family Fagaceae, the fruit of the silverleaf oak are acorns, typically oblong in shape with occasional striped patterns (1).
Compound: Que hyp
Geographic Origin: Mountain Southwest US
Ecozone Origin: Nearctic
Biome Origin: Desert and Xeric Shrublands
Natural History: The name Quercus hypoleuca was applied to the species by George Engelmann in 1875 who wished to differentiate the species from Q. confertifolia mistakenly confused by John Torrey in 1859 (1). Unfortunately, the name Quercus hypoleuca was already taken by a different plant which would later become Lithocarpus korthalsii. As such, the name was changed to Quercus hypoleucoides to differentiate it from the tentative Quercus hypoleuca. A less historical bit of natural history about Quercus hypoleucoides is that it is commonly found after fires since it is a vigorous post-fire resprouter and will often form multi-stem shrubs in areas of repeated fires (7). Quercus hypoleucoides are typically found in pine forests around elevation levels of 1,100 to 2,700 meters (1). Though it can tolerate drought fairly well and is native to Arizona, it is fairly cold resistant as well and therefore thrives in the mountains of south and southeast Arizona where the natural environment appeals most to those adaptations (1).
Cultivation Notes: The Silverleaf oak does not require much water to grow to a large shrub and is therefore typically found as such in areas without the amount of water needed to grow to a small to medium tree (7). It is also a hardy plant and therefore can survive colder temperatures without artificial aid, making it an easier plant to cultivate (7). The USDA hardiness zone in which the plant can usually be found is hardiness zone 7, making it native to places like parts of Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico (5).
Ethnobotany: As a hardy, water efficient, evergreen, small to medium sized tree/shrub with unique leaves, the Silverleaf oak is highly valued as an ornamental plant (1,3,5,6,7). The tree also happens to have many medicinal properties in almost all its parts, including the leaves, bark, and fruit (7). Indigenous tribes had used the plant for gastrointestinal tract disorders and as an antiseptic, as well as using the bark for ointments and teas to help with toothaches, blood-clotting agents, and antiseptic purposes, though it should be noted that further research is required to confirm the benefits and side effects of the medicinal uses of the plant (7). The fruit however is guaranteed to have many useful nutrients such as high levels of carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, lipids, and sterols, as well as producing tannic acid while boiling during production for human consumption (6,7). The plant also provides sustenance and shelter to many animals such as birds and squirrels in its main habitats and like many other oaks, is a key species in their natural environments (7).

Height: 20 - 50 feet
Width: 20 - 50 feet
Growth Rate: Moderate Growing
Grow Season: Fall
Flower Season: Spring
Color: Green
Function: Shade
Spread: Non-spreading
Allergen: Non-allergenic
Invasive: Benign
Toxicity: Benign
Hardy: Hardy
Water Use: Low water Use

1. International Oak Society Retrieved 19 Oct. 2024
2. World Flora Online  Retrieved  19 Oct. 2024
3. Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center Retrieved  19 Oct. 2024
4. Oregon State University  Retrieved  19 Oct. 2024
5. USDA Plant Profile  Retrieved  19 Oct. 2024
6. Oaktopia  Retrieved 20 Oct. 2024
7. iNaturalist  Retrieved  27 Oct. 2024


Quercus hypoleucoides