Callistemon viminalis

Accession Count: 35
Common Name: weeping bottlebrush
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Family Name: Myrtaceae
Botanical Name: Callistemon viminalis
Sub Species:
Characteristics: This evergreen tree grows to heights of 15 to 20 feet with an equal spread. The open crown is round and weeping. The tree has multiple gray trunks and drooping slender branches. The narrow lanceolate or elliptical shaped leaves are light green and 3 to 4 inches long. The leaves tend to grow only at the ends of branches creating a weeping effect. The flowers of the C. viminalis are formed on spikes and are typically about one inch wide. The flowers have petals that are quite tiny and greenish to pale in color and sometimes fall off. The strikingly red stamens of the flowers are rather showy. The flowers form in the spring and/or fall and sometimes throughout the year. The fruit is round, about half an inch wide, hard, and brownish in color.
Compound: Cal vim
Geographic Origin: Australia
Ecozone Origin: Australasia
Biome Origin:
Natural History: The genus name means "beautiful stamen," referring to the tree's beautiful multi-stamened red flowers. The species name refers to its willow-like structure and means "long slender shoots."
Cultivation Notes:
Ethnobotany: This plant is widely used as an ornamental because of its beautiful flowers. It is also planted frequently in lawns and next to houses as a screening source. The weeping bottlebrush is occasionally planted in street mediums and in parking lots but requires frequent trimming. It is best used where protected from high winds and cold, such as in courtyards or besides tall buildings. 

Height: 20 - 50 feet
Width: 11 - 15 feet
Growth Rate: Fast Growing
Grow Season: Spring
Flower Season: Summer
Color: Red
Spread: Non-spreading
Allergen: Non-allergenic
Invasive: Benign
Toxicity: Benign
Hardy: Hardy
Water Use: Low water Use

1. Duffield, Mary Rose., and Warren D. Jones. Plants For Dry Climates - How To Select, Grow And Enjoy. Lane Publishing Company, 1992.

Callistemon viminalis