Heteromeles arbutifolia

Accession Count: 2
Common Name: toyon
Family Name: Rosaceae
Botanical Name: Heteromeles arbutifolia
Botanical Synonyms: Photinia arbutifolia
Sub Species:
Characteristics: Toyon is a dense evergreen shrub which typically grows from 1.8—3 m (6—10 ft) tall (1, 2). Older specimens can reach 10 m (~33 ft) in height, but this is uncommon (2, 4). The shrub is erect, freely branching, and unarmed (4). The bark is gray, smooth when young, and can develop fissures with age (2, 4). The leaves are simple, alternate, and 5—10 cm (2—4 in) in length, have a leathery texture and sharply serrated margins (2, 4). The flowers are inconspicuous, white, and fragrant, occurring in loose terminal clusters (1, 4). The fruits are bright red, drupe-like pomes which are 5—6 mm (~0.25 in) in diameter, and contain one or two small brown seeds (4).
Compound: Het arb
Geographic Origin: California/Baja California
Ecozone Origin: Nearctic
Biome Origin:
Natural History: Toyon is an integral part of Californian Chaparral and Coastal Scrub communities, serving as a prime soil stabilizer from sea level to 4000 m (13,123 ft) (1, 2). It thrives in a variety of soils, preferring those that are dry and well-draining (1, 4). The shrub can live from 100-200 years in the wild (4). Toyon is an important resource for several species of moth, including the Western Avocado Leafroller moth (Amorbia cuneana) and the Pacific Azure moth (Celastrina echo) (1). Its winter berries also support a plethora of bird species, such as the Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum) and the American Robin (Turdus migratorius) (1, 4). The scientific name Heteromeles is derived from “heter” meaning “different,” and “malus” meaning “apple,” probably referring to the  fruits vague resemblance to a true apple (2). The specific epithet arbutifolia refers to the leaf shape, which are similar to the European strawberry tree Arbutus unedo (2).
Cultivation Notes: Toyon is easy to grow and widely available in cultivation (1, 2). While the plant can grow well in coastal full sun, it may benefit from shade in more arid climates (1, 2). It is hardy to -20°C (-5° F) (1, 2). The shrub can take several years to fully establish, during which it benefits from additional watering, before becoming deeply rooted and drought tolerant (2). It can tolerate a variety of soils but does best in well-draining soil types (2). Toyon is susceptible to fire blight, a bacterial disease which affects plants in Rosaceae (2, 3). The disease can develop during humid, hot conditions, and can be treated by pruning away infected tissue and using copper spray (3). Fire blight is more common in coastal California and high desert and mountain areas than in more arid, low-land regions (3). The shrub can be trained into a small tree with intentional pruning (2). Fresh seeds can be grown without treatment, however stored seeds require three months of temperature scarification to reliably germinate (1, 4). The seeds remain viable for nine months when dried at room temperature (4).
Ethnobotany: The name “toyon” is a Spanish form of the Ohlone Indian name for the plant, “totcon” (2). Native Americans used the plant as food and as medicine, including as a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease, which was known to them before European arrival (5). The plant is currently being studied for this purpose (5). Toyon can also be used as a native hedge or to combat soil erosion along banks or slopes (1, 2, 4). Its deep roots and ease of growth make it ideal for holding soils in place (4). Berries are reported to be toxic if eaten in large quantities. 

Height: 16 - 20 feet
Width: 11 - 15 feet
Growth Rate: Moderate Growing
Grow Season: Spring
Flower Season: Summer
Color: White
Function: Screen
Spread: Non-spreading
Allergen: Non-allergenic
Invasive: Benign
Toxicity: Toxic
Hardy: Hardy
Water Use: Moderate Water Use


1._    Calscape. Accessed October 16, 2024.

2. San Marcos Growers. Accessed October 16, 2024.

3.Arizona Cooperative Extension. Accessed October 20, 2024.

4.USDA. Accessed October 20, 2024.

5.MDPI. Accessed October 20, 2024.


Heteromeles arbutifolia