Vachellia campeachiana

Accession Count: 0
Common Name: boat thorn acacia; huinolo, boat-spine acacia
Family Name: Fabaceae
Botanical Name: Vachellia campeachiana
Botanical Synonyms: Acacia cochliacantha, Vachellia cochiacantha
Sub Species:
Characteristics: The boat-thorn acacia is a large shrub or small tree, typically ranging from 4.5—8 m (15—26 ft) in height (1, 5). Its bark is light gray to black, shallowly furrowed, with green photosynthetic bark showing in the furrows (1, 2, 3). The easiest distinguished features of the boat-thorn acacia are its eponymous thorns, which on juvenile stems are stout, reddish-brown, and terete to spoon shaped (2, 5). On flower-producing stems, these thorns stay quite small, around 3—4 m (0.10—0.15 in) in length (5). On nonflowering stems, the thorns become enlarged and boat shaped, reaching 6 cm (2.36 in) in length. On older stems, the enlarged thorns often turn from reddish-brown to grey (2, 5). The flowers are small and yellow, arranged in globose heads which are 6—7 mm (~0.25 in) in diameter (1, 5). The fruits are broadly cuneate pods 4-7 cm (1.5—2.75 in) long and 8-12 mm (0.31-0.47 in) wide.
Compound: Aca coc
Geographic Origin: Mexican Tropics
Ecozone Origin: Neotropic
Biome Origin: Desert
Natural History: The boat-thorn acacia is one of many Central American acacia-adjacent trees with boat-shaped thorns (5). It is the northernmost of these trees, and stands out in the Sonoran Desert as the only acacia-adjacent species with such thorns, making it easy to identify in that area (5). This tree thrives on rocky hills, sandy plains, and clay flats, as well as disturbed areas (5). Its range seems to be limited by low temperatures at the northern edge, and aridity at lower elevations to the south (5). While the tree can grow at elevations as low as 200 m (650 ft), as its range extends further southward it grows more often at higher elevations, from about 1,200-1,500 m (~3,900 – 4,900 ft) (5). A peculiarity of this species is its lack of an obligate mutualistic relationship with Pseudomyrmex ant species, which almost all other boat-thorn acacia-adjacent species have (5). It has not been determined whether this relationship was lost in the evolution of this particular tree, or whether it was never gained at all (5).
Cultivation Notes: The boat-thorn acacia, though rare in commercial cultivation, makes a good desert landscape tree (1). It can grow aggressively with water, and pioneers disturbed ground quickly (3). The tree is less likely to spread greatly, as its environmental tolerance constrains it. Specifically, it is limited by temperatures below –5.5˚C (22˚F) and a need for full sun (1, 5). It is fast-growing, can thrive in any soil, and does not require supplemental nutrition (1). However, as it is both cold- and drought deciduous, it may benefit from supplemental water to maintain its leaves (1). Additionally, its heavy thorns mean that its use as a landscape plant should be kept away from heavy traffic areas (1).
Ethnobotany: This plant is said to have use as a bladder treatment in Sonora, where it is prepared as a decoction (4). It may also have used as a mild astringent when used as a topical wash, to treat skin irritation from scrapes and insect bites (4). In addition, the boat-thorn acacia has use for tropical deciduous areas affected by buffelgrass, being one of the only trees which can colonize a buffelgrass-infested area effectively (3). This colonization leads to a shading out of the grass, and can eventually lead to the reestablishment of a healthy tropical deciduous ecosystem in that area (3).

Height: 20 - 50 feet
Width: 20 - 50 feet
Growth Rate: Fast Growing
Grow Season: Summer
Flower Season: Summer
Color: Yellow
Function: Shade
Spread: Spreading
Allergen: Non-allergenic
Invasive: Benign
Toxicity: Benign
Hardy: Hardy
Water Use: Low water Use


1. Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. Retrieved October 10, 2024.

 2. Centre for Austalian National Biodiversity Research. Retrieved October 10, 2024

3.Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. Retrieved October 13, 2024.

4. Kanes, Charles W (2006). Herbal Medicine of the American Southwest. Lincoln Town Press.

5. Turner, R. M., et al. (1995). Sonoran Desert Plants; An Ecological Atlas. The University of Arizona Press.


Vachellia campeachiana