Senna spectabilis

Accession Count: 3
Common Name: carnaval
Family Name: Fabaceae
Botanical Name: Senna spectabilis
Sub Species:
Variety: excelsa
Characteristics: This woody, perennial tree will grow about 10 meters (10 - 15 feet) high. The leaves are 15-30 cm (5.9 - 11.8 in) long, alternately arranged, and odd pinnately compound with entire leaf margins. The evergreen leaves are obovate. Pinnate leaf venation and are usually tomentose when they are young. These showy flowers, which appear in the late summer and early fall are yellow with terminal or subterminal flowered, 1 cm long, have a 3.5 to 4 cm (1.37 - 1.57 in) diameter corolla, and are borne on a 10 to 50 cm (3.9 - 19.7 in) inflorescence. The fruits are brown, elongated legume pods ranging from 15.24 to 30.48 cm (6 - 12 in).
Compound: Sen spe exc
Geographic Origin: Brazil
Ecozone Origin: Neotropic
Biome Origin:
Natural History: According to the San Marcos Growers, America has the majority of Senna species, followed by Australia, Africa, and Madagascar, while the others are distributed through East and Southeast Asia. Senna is most linked to arid lands, specifically in South America Argentina to Southern Mexico, and then the Caribbean Islands, and there is variation in phenotypic traits between species. The distribution is known to be obscure based on the article by Datiles and Rodriguez where the S. spectabilis var. Spectabilis is native to Columbia, Venezuela, parts of Bolivia, north Argentina, Paraguay, and var. Excelsa is in east Brazil and coastal Ecuador.
Cultivation Notes: Senna spectabilis should be planted in full sun with well-drained soil and irrigated in the summer. This species loves heat and should be able to tolerate cold months down to 26 F, which means it can thrive in Mexico and lower California.
Ethnobotany: Senna leaves are mostly used in Southern countries for building materials, decoration, rituals, poisons, and medicines, depending on the species. S. spectabilis has antimicrobial properties, found in the leaves, stems, roots, flowers, bark, seeds, and fruits. Senna leaves could be used as laxatives with pellets and are prepared with dried figs and plums. Other uses are for wood burning, shade, and ornamental purposes.

Height: 16 - 20 feet
Width: 16 - 20 feet
Growth Rate: Fast Growing
Grow Season: Spring
Flower Season: Fall
Color: Yellow
Function: Shade
Spread: Non-spreading
Allergen: Non-allergenic
Invasive: Benign
Toxicity: Benign
Hardy: Semi-hardy
Water Use: Moderate Water Use

1. Senna spectabilis (whitebark senna)- CABI Digital Library Retrieved Oct. 2024
2. University of Florida Senna spectabilis-Cassia Retrieved Oct. 2024
3. Wiley Online Library Retrieved Oct. 2024
4. San Marcos GROWERS Retrieved Oct. 2024


Senna spectabilis