Prosopis glandulosa

Accession Count: 70
Common Name: Texas honey mesquite
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Family Name: Fabaceae
Botanical Name: Prosopis glandulosa
Botanical Synonyms: Prosopis glandulosa var. glandulosa
Family Synonyms: Leguminosae
Sub Species:
Characteristics: The Texas honey mesquite has a weeping form and twisted branches with reddish shaggy bark. The leaflets are widely spaced, giving them an appearance similar to California Pepper. Its foliage is bright green. The Texas honey mesquite has bipinnate leaves that are six inches long with 12 pairs of leaflets. The leaflets are one inch long. 
Compound: Pro gla
Geographic Origin: Texas/Northeast Mexico
Ecozone Origin: Nearctic
Biome Origin:
Natural History:
Cultivation Notes: The Texas honey mesquite is a fast growing tree when irrigated. Has smooth bark and pale-gray splits that become dark-gray on older limbs. Can be single or multi-trunked.

Height: 20 - 50 feet
Width: 20 - 50 feet
Growth Rate: Fast Growing
Grow Season: Summer
Flower Season: Spring
Color: Yellow
Function: Patio
Spread: Non-spreading
Allergen: Allergenic
Toxicity: Benign
Hardy: Hardy
Water Use: Low water Use

1. Jones, Warren D, and Charles M Sacamano. Landscape Plants for Dry Regions: More Than 600 Species from around the World. Fisher Books, 2000.

Prosopis glandulosa