Quercus suber

Accession Count: 4
Common Name: cork oak
Family Name: Fagaceae
Botanical Name: Quercus suber
Sub Species:
Characteristics: The cork oak is a broadleaved, slow-growing, evergreen tree with rounded crown native to the Mediterranean, that reach heights greater than 20 meters (60 feet) with canopy of equal spread (1, 2, 4). The cork oak has a short trunk, and thick branches, with a rough, deeply fissured corky bark covering both the trunk and the main scaffold limbs (1, 2, 3). The bark is light gray with reddish-brown furrows, and, over time, can grow to as much as 30 cm (12 inches) thick (2, 3). Stems are also light gray-brown and covered with a gray fuzz (2). Buds are reddish-brown buds, triangular and pointed (2). Leaves are simple, and alternately attached on the stems (1, 4). They are also leathery, ovate, to oval-oblong in shape, 5-10 cm (2-4 inches) long with an acute tip, rounded to cordate base, and sparsely toothed, wavy leaf margins with 4-5 short teeth on each side (1, 2, 3). The upper leaf surface is dark green, and the lower surface is dull green and covered with a gray-tomentose (2, 3). Leaves are attached to stems with a very short 8-15 mm ( < ½ inch) petiole (3). In the spring, flowers appear on this monoecious species (3). Male catkins are 5-8 cam (2-3 inches) long, yellow-green in color, while female flower clusters are borne on short stalks (3). In the fall, wind pollenated female flowers produce 1.5-3 cm (<1 inch) long, narrow acorns with an ovoid-oblong, cup-shaped cap connected to stem tips by a short stalk (1, 2).
Compound: Que sub
Geographic Origin: Mediterranean
Ecozone Origin: Palearctic
Biome Origin:
Natural History:

The cork oak is native to the Mediterranean region, originating in north and western Africa and southwestern Europe, where it is found growing in forests and open woodlands (1, 2, 3). It is the National Tree of Portugal where half of the world's commercial cork is produced (1, 2). Other commercial plantations are found in European countries such as Spain as well as in some African countries (1, 2).  The specific epithet “suber”, is a Latin word, similar to the Greek word “syphar” which means "a piece of wrinkled skin" referring to the deeply fissured corky bark (2). The world's largest cork oak tree, known as Sobreiro, grows in Portugal and is believed to have been planted in 1783 (2). It is 16 m (53 feet) tall and 4 m (14 feet) in spread. Amazingly, when this tree was more than 200 years old, after having its cord harvested more than 20 time, was able to produce 2646 pounds of raw cork - enough to create stoppers for 100,000 wine bottles (2). The cork oak was introduced to the U. S. in the 1600s where it is now planted in locations with warm winters and drier climates from Maryland to California (3).


Natural History of the UA Campus Arboretum Specimens: 

Accession # :  1319 was designated a University Heritage Tree in 2003. At the time of its recognition, it was the largest of its species on campus. Planted some time prior to 1940 on the south side of the Engineering Building, it was the largest on campus, and quite possibly the largest in Tucson. One voucher specimen at the UA herbarium dates this tree on campus back to 1936. Steve Fazio, former Professor of Plant Sciences, remembers showing his young children the tree in the late 1940’s. Alumni who were on campus in the 1960s remember using it as part of a fraternity initiation ceremony. Today students of botany, landscape architecture, ecology, and other sciences learn about the centuries-old technique of sustainably harvesting cork by peeling off the bark.  It was also designated a Great Tree of Arizona in 2004. 

Cultivation Notes:
Cork oak is suited to USDA hardiness zones 8-10, prefers full sun but is tolerant to some shade (1, 3). It is drought tolerant once established, growing well under dry to moderately moist conditions (1,3). It is tolerant of different soil types but is best grown in acidic, well-drained, moist to dry soils (1, 2, 3). It is deer resistant but vulnerable, like many other oak species to a large number of diseases, including oak wilt, chestnut blight, shoestring root rot, anthracnose, oak leaf blister, cankers, leaf spots and powdery mildew (2, 3). Other potential insect pests also trouble oak species including scale, oak skeletonizer, leaf miners, galls, oak lace bugs, borers, caterpillars, orangestriped oakworms, buck moths, whitemarked tussock moths, and nut weevils (2, 3).
This tree is best known as a commercial source of cork used in the production of wine bottle corks, cork flooring, and other items (2, 3). The cork can be harvested when the tree reaches 30 to 40 years of age and thereafter about every 10 years (2, 3). This tree is also useful as a landscape ornamental as a good, large oak for shade, parks or as a street tree (3). In the United States, it can be grown in warmer winter areas as an attractive, low maintenance shade tree if environmental conditions are met (3). Because of the high levels of tannins in the leaves, bark, and acorns, oaks are toxic to horses. Regardless of commercial value, this is an ornamentally attractive oak.

Quercus suber has many uses as well including food, medicine, repellent, and as timber. Its seeds are edible when cooked, and can be made into several different foods such as breads, or made into powder (5). Its seed can also be roasted as a coffee substitute (5). Medicinally, Quercus suber produces a strong astringent that is useful in treating hemorrhages, chronic diahrrea, dysentery and other similar medical problems (5). 

Height: 20 - 50 feet
Width: 20 - 50 feet
Growth Rate: Slow Growing
Grow Season: Summer
Flower Season: Spring
Color: Green
Function: Shade
Spread: Non-spreading
Allergen: Non-allergenic
Invasive: Benign
Toxicity: Benign
Hardy: Hardy
Water Use: Low water Use

  1. Oregon State University Retrieved June 27, 2024.
  2. North Carolina State University  Retrieved June 27, 2024.
  3. Missouri Botanical Garden  Retrieved June 27, 2024.
  4. Duffield, Mary Rose., and Warren D. Jones. Plants For Dry Climates - How To Select, Grow And Enjoy. Lane Publishing Company, 1992.
  5. Plants for Our Future  Retrieved May 10, 2017.

Quercus suber