Platanus × hispanica

Accession Count: 19
Common Name: London planetree
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Family Name: Platanaceae
Botanical Name: Platanus × hispanica
Botanical Synonyms: Platanus × acerifolia
Sub Species:
Characteristics: This tree is hard to distinguish from its American sycamore (P. occidentalis) parent. The distinguishing features are the leaves having deep sinuses and the fruit balls growing in sets of two (1). Similar to its American parent the London planetree grow a single trunk that is 70-100 feet. The branch grow horizontally and form a round crown. The unique quality of this tree is the dark brown bark that has irregular exfoliation to reveal a cream colored inner bark. This plant has three to five medium sized dark-green leaves that are four to nine inches wide. These "maple" shaped leaves have coarse marginal teeth. Then in spring around April the tree will produce inconspicuous flowers. Is the tree is male the flowers will be yellow and red if female. The female trees produce fuzzy, long-stocked, spherical fruits. These fruits ripen to brown and last till early winter (1).
Compound: Pla x his
Geographic Origin: Europe and North American East Coast
Ecozone Origin: Palearctic
Biome Origin:
Natural History: This tree is a cross between American sycamore (P. occidentalis) and Oriental planetree (P. orientalis). The first cross could have occurred around 1640s, after wards it was widely distributed over Europe for it's tolerance to pollution. Once the idea pf city plant came to America it was distributed to Brooklyn, New York and San Francisco, California (1).
Cultivation Notes: The London planetree prefers full sunlight and needs a large space to grow efficiently. This tree grows at a moderate rate in deep, moist, fertile soils, but can be very adaptive. Propagation can be started from seed or cuttings and is transported with ease (2, 4). This tree is susceptible to many diseases. This species can die off from canker stain, this is a serious problem. This disease is also coupled with lace infestation. Lace will not kill the tree but cause premature defoliation in the late summer (3). Watch for powdery mildew, aphids, American plum borer, and anthracnose (2).
Ethnobotany: This tree is prized for its landscaping abilities. It has been developed as an ornamental in high pollution areas. It is grown for its ample amounts of shade and to thrive in difficult sites (2). When choosing a tree for a long term fixed area this tree is preferred for its longevity. It is bred to have resistance to anthracnose, which kills many trees (4).

Height: 50 - 100 feet
Width: 50 - 100 feet
Growth Rate: Moderate Growing
Grow Season: Summer
Flower Season: Spring
Color: Red
Function: Shade
Spread: Non-spreading
Allergen: Non-allergenic
Invasive: Benign
Toxicity: Benign
Hardy: Hardy
Water Use: Moderate Water Use

  1. Retrieved March 12, 2019.
  2. Retrieved March 12, 2019.
  3. Retrieved March 12, 2019.
  4. Retrieved March 12, 2019.