Pinus canariensis

Accession Count: 43
Common Name: Canary Island pine
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Family Name: Pinaceae
Botanical Name: Pinus canariensis
Sub Species:
This tree grows up to 40 m (130 ft) tall, with a straight trunk and an open crown of upswept, candelabra-like branches. Though the typical height of this species is generally only 24-27 m (80-90 ft), with a spread of 7-9m (20-35 ft).It has thick, scaly, fissured bark with distinct patterns formed from color variations in red-brown and buff toned periderm. The shoots are stout and rough, while the winter buds are large and red-brown with white-fringed tips. Its adult leaves are slender, 15-30 cm (6-12 in) long needles in fascicles of three, bright green to yellow-green in color, and with fine stomata lines. The adult needles are retained for 1.5 to 3 years. The glossy chestnut brown cones arise in the spring from female flowers found on previous year's shoots.The cones are ovoid-conic, 10-23 cm (4-9 in) long, ripen two years after pollination to become chestnut-brown when mature. Seeds are blackish-brown with attached wings that are difficult to remove.
Compound: Pin can
Geographic Origin: Canary Islands
Ecozone Origin: Afrotropic
Biome Origin:
Natural History: Canary Island pine is endemic to the Canary Islands. Its closest parent is distributed in the Himalayas. The ancestral species are supposed to have been distributed in the Mediterranean region before or during the glacial cycles (2,3). In areas of Australia and South America it has escaped cultivation and become invasive (3). Predominant occurrence is at 400-2200 m (1300-7200 ft) elevation. Forests in the northern cloud belt are much denser, while those in the drier south and west are more open. Old forests have largely disappeared as a result of clear-cutting (2).
Cultivation Notes: Some trees in cultivation show dense growth of juvenile shoots. The juvenile shoots root easily from cuttings, but adult foliage does not. Any tree that produces an exceptional number of juvenile epicormic shoots will be a relatively cheap and popular source of material for cuttings and cultivation. It is a sub-tropical species unable to survive the winter frosts of temperate climates. The predominant substrate is volcanic. Hardy to Zone 9, cold hardiness limit between -1°C and -6.7°C (20°F and 30°F ) (2,3).
P. canariensis grows in the cloud forest belt, where rainfall is typically around 50 cm (20 in). However, this volume of water increases under the trees as a result of fog dripping off the leaves (2, 3). This increases effective precipitation to 200 cm (80 in) making the tree more productive and useful to the Canary Island’s economy (2, 3)). This fast growing species is used mainly as an ornamental for shade or as a windbreak. The fallen dead leaves of the pine are also used in that region as packaging for the exportation of bananas.The seeds of the pinus species are used in the preparation of some traditional meals and are often eaten salted. The oil of the pine seeds has been explored as a new source of seed oil for edible, nutritional and cosmetic uses (1). These plants are also used in traditional medicine as a natural remedy for fatigue, aging, inflammation, bacterial infection, and for modulating the immune system as a result of cyclo-oxygenase activity (1).

Height: 50 - 100 feet
Width: 20 - 50 feet
Growth Rate: Fast Growing
Grow Season: Spring
Flower Season: Spring
Color: Green
Function: Shade
Spread: Non-spreading
Allergen: Non-allergenic
Invasive: Benign
Toxicity: Benign
Hardy: Semi-hardy
Water Use: Moderate Water Use

1., Retrieved October 19, 2024
2. SelecTree: A tree selection guide, Retrieved October 19, 2024
3. The Gymnosperm Database, Retrieved October 19, 2024

Pinus canariensis