Olneya tesota

Accession Count: 44
Common Name: ironwood
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Family Name: Fabaceae
Botanical Name: Olneya tesota
Sub Species:
Olneya tesota is a perennial, evergreen shrub or tree with a short trunk and spreading rounded and broad, dense canopy (1, 3, 4). It grows to 10 m (30 ft) tall with a trunk of 0.3-.6 m (1-2 feet) in diameter (4). Its bark is medium to light grey, armed with small, somewhat curved, twin spines and exfoliating with age. Both twigs and leaves are covered with small grey-white hairs, that serve to protect the tree from the worst of the hot sun (1, 2). The foliage is evergreen except during cold winters (4). Leaves are even-pinnately compound, alternate with 8-21 obovate or ellitic, dull green, somewhat thick leaflets (3, 4). Papillionaceous flowers appear in late Spring (foresummer), are pea-shaped/winged, 10-14 mm across with fused filaments and a pale pink to purple corolla with yellow-white to pale pink keel (3).  Flowers are borne on axillary 2-many flowered racemes (3). Fruit is a 4 cm (2 inch) oblong or ellipitic, plump legume pod, with constrictions between seeds (4). The pod slowly dries to a dark brown color, eventually splitting in summer before monsoon rains – to release 1-3 seeds (4).
Compound: Oln tes
Geographic Origin: Desert Southwest
Ecozone Origin: Nearctic
Biome Origin:
Natural History: Ironwood is distributed southwestern North America – from southeastern California, and southern Arizona into northwestern Mexico (Baja Norte, Baja Sur, and Sonora) (3, 6). It is most commonly found at elevations below 900 meters (usually more like 2,500 feet) elevation in foothill (dry-desert) washes of the low desert areas where storm runoff increases the available moisture (3, 4) Ironwood is the only species in the Olneya genus (2). The genus is named for Stephen Thayer Olney (1812-78), a businessman and botanist of Rhode Island (4). The specific epithet “tesota” is derived either from a Spanish word for stiff, “tieso” or from a Southwestern indigenous word for the tree (4).

Natural History of the UA Campus Arboretum Specimens: 

Accession #1; 12755 was designated as a University  Heritage Tree in 2003. This slow growing desert species was planted as part of the Campus Arboretum dedication ceremony, in September 2002. The event marked the culmination of the four previous years' efforts toward establishing an arboretum and joining the American Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboreta (American Public Garden Association). It was recognized for its potential as a long lived representative of the University's origins as the Land Grant Institution in the Sonoran Desert of the Arizona Territory.

Cultivation Notes:

The ironwood is readily
propagated from seed. If harvesting dry, brown pods, remove the seed into a
clean sheet of paper or fabric. Press (or step on) the pods gently to crush the
dry pods. Winnow out the seeds and place them in a sealed container in the
freezer for two days to prevent bruchid-beetle infestation. Store in the
freezer until use or take them out, dry thoroughly and then store in a sealed
jar (1). Fresh seeds require no treatment, whereas stored seeds should be
treated before attempting germination (4). The hard seed coat of stored seeds
benefits from scarification before sowing in order to speed up and improve
uniformity of germination (6). This is done by pouring very hot water on the
seeds and allowing them to soak in the water as it cools – remaining for 12 -
24 hours in tepid water (6). Seeds that have successfully imbibed moisture will
be swollen and can be germinated in shallow potting mix or directly into the
ground. The ideal germination temperature is 25 – 30°C.
Fresh seeds have a high rate of germination success (80 - 90% germination) and
emerge in 4 - 12 days. (6) Care should be taken to protect from “damping off
disease” from excessively cool and damp conditions during germination (1). 

Ironwood seedlings have a strong
taproot that poses risk to a successful transplant (6). As such, some recommend
that seeds are sown directly in the ground (being sure to protect from pests)
(6). If sown in containers, use tall pots or deep containers and transplant
into their permanent location when the seedlings are large enough or before the
taproot reaches the bottom of the container (6).  

It has a moderate growth rate and requires very little water. The
ironwood tree does well in full sun and is hardy to 15<span style="font-family:
" cambria="" math",serif;mso-bidi-font-family:"cambria="" math""="">℉. It is a
drought deciduous tree, during dry periods it will shed its leaves to preserve
water and conserve its energy for flowering and regeneration after the spring
rains. Ironwood is considered low water use, requires full sun, dry soil, and
is tolerant to dry, rocky and sandy soils (4). 


Ironwood flowers and seeds are
edible. Desert Ironwood flowers can be eaten raw in salads or candied for use
in desserts. Although the seeds can be eaten raw, both green and dry/brown
stages of seeds may be most easily digested when blanched, sprouted or cooked
(1, 2). The flowers bloom in late April-May and seed pods set in June-July.
When they are ripe, they are easier to gently shake free from the limbs. If
harvesting green pods, plunge the pods into boiling water and then transfer to
ice water to clean them. Drain, dry and package them in sealed plastic
(anaerobic) containers marked with the date of harvest (1).  

Seeds are usually eaten cooked or dried,
lightly roasted and then ground into a flour before use, though they are also
eaten whole after roasting (4, 6). The seeds have been used to make a beverage
similar to hot chocolate (6).  The pods
have a slightly sweet and nutty flavor with some astringency but become more
flavorful when left to ripen on the tree (1, 2). Some describe the taste and
texture of the seed as similar to the taste of peanuts (5, 6). They are very
high in protein (~ 19% protein) as well as carbohydrate (~61%) and fat (~10%)
(6). The dried, powdered seed has a higher digestibility rating (74% for
uncooked and 79% for cooked seeds) compared to other legume beans (6). As such,
ironwood seeds may have potential to be commercially produced for human food
(6).  The seeds do, however, contain small
amounts of trypsin inhibitors, phenols, alkaloids and haemagglutinin, known
collectively as “antinutrients” but these are soluble and removed with soaking
or cooking (6). 

Ironwood is the tallest growing
tree in the Sonoran Desert and provides a beneficial micro-habitat for many
desert species. As such, these are considered “nurse” trees in the Sonoran
Desert (4). Animals gather in the shade during the hottest months and other
cacti and small shrubs utilize the tree's canopy as shelter from the sun. Like
other members of the family Ironwood, it is a tree that gathers nitrogen from
the soil, so leaf litter and seeds are particularly rich in nutrients. Desert
animals also consume the seeds, and livestock browse the foliage. Seeds eaten
by desert animals; plant browsed by bighorns.

Ironwood, in natural populations,
has a very deep taproot allowing it to access water in the cooler soil depths
(6). This factor, along with its ability to fix nitrogen makes it an excellent
companion tree in a mixed planting (6). Additionally, it generally produces
very few branched roots near the soil surface, bringing water and nutrients
from deep down with its taproot to enrich the neighboring plants which have a
more shallow root system (6). It further adds nutrients to the surface when it
drops its leaves (6).  Because of its
preference for areas with mild winters, it is considered an indicator in
selecting favorable sites for citrus orchards, mild winters (4, 6).

Olneya tesota is known
locally in the Sonoran desert as "Ironwood" or by the Spanish common
name palo de hierro. These names point to the use of ironwood trees are the
source of very dense, hard wood. The heartwood is a rich brown and somewhat
variegated and the sapwood provides a thin layer of yellowish white, having an
irregular grain with a good luster when polished (4, 6). The wood is very hard
and strong (reportedly as hard as ebony) and is dense/heavy enough to sink in water
(6). Only leadwood (Krugiodendron ferrum (Vahl) Urban), a small tropical
tree of southern Florida, is heavier (4). 
The hardness makes it difficult to work with using hand tools and even
machine tools have trouble keeping a sharp blade, it is used for making small
objects such as gift items, pens and carvings and for fuel and charcoal (4, 6). Native cultures in both Arizona and Sonora made use of the wood for building as
well as for making small carved items (2). 

Height: 20 - 50 feet
Width: 20 - 50 feet
Growth Rate: Slow Growing
Grow Season: Summer
Flower Season: Spring
Color: Lavender
Function: Shade
Spread: Non-spreading
Allergen: Non-allergenic
Invasive: Benign
Toxicity: Benign
Hardy: Semi-hardy
Water Use: Low water Use

  1. Desert HarvestersRetrieved June 12, 2024
  2. Mielke, Judy. Native Plants for Southwestern Landscapes. University of Texas Press, 1993.
  3. Jepson Herbarium Retrieved June 12, 2024
  4. Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center Retrieved June 12, 2024
  5. Plants for Our Future Retrieved June 12, 2024
  6. Useful Temperate Plants Retrieved June 12, 2024


Olneya tesota