Chloroleucon tortum

Accession Count: 1
Common Name: Brazilian raintree
Family Name: Fabaceae
Botanical Name: Chloroleucon tortum
Botanical Synonyms: Cathormion Tortum, Pithecellobium tortum
Sub Species:
Characteristics: The Brazilian raintree is a mid size tree of 1.82-6.09m (6-20ft) with a marbled brown coloring along the bark that peels off in stripes. The leaves are compound, with light green leaflets. The leaves fold closed at night and open in the mornings. The flowers (50m, 2in) of this plant vary from white to pink with a fluffy, poofy appearance. Among the branches, this plant produces thorns. These trees produce seed pods instead of fruit, and they appear as a dark brown, round pod that resembles a big coffee bean.
Compound: chl tor
Geographic Origin: Brazil and Paraguay
Ecozone Origin: Neotropic
Biome Origin: Coastal
Natural History: Chloroleucon, chloros means green and leucon (leukos) means white, with tortum meaning twisted in latin to tie it all together. Native to Brazil’s rainforest, C. tortum can be found along the coast of Rio de Janero. (2) The habitat in which it lives provides lots of water with the occasional dry season, C. tortum has evolved to drop its leaves during these drier periods. With the soil being dry and acidic, the brazilian raintree has formed a symbiotic relationship with nitrogen fixing bacteria that allows the plant to receive nitrogen from the air as a form of self fertilization. (2) Within its natural range, this plant is considered critically endangered due to intensive deforestation and logging. (4) Outside of its habitat, C. tortum survives in increasing popularity through the practice of bonsai.
Cultivation Notes: The brazilian rain tree does well in soil that drains and aerates well, with a PH range that allows for some acidity. It is suggested to use perlite for aeration and peat moss to maintain some moisture. C. tortum thrives in direct sunlight, especially during its growth season (spring-summer). They require some protection from frost. If temperatures drop below 7 degrees Celsius, this plant should be taken inside and put in a place where they can receive direct sunlight.  Indoors, this plant should be checked daily for watering. If the soil feels spongy and contains moisture, it does not need watering. Humidity with a spray bottle or a humidity tray is also necessary in indoor conditions. Outside, it is best to water daily. This plant does best in 9-11 USD hardiness zones. This plant can be cultivated from cuttings and seeds. Though quite a resistant plant, they have the possibility of succumbing to nematode attacks. In this case use a nematicide. Indoors, this plant is prone to aphids, spider mite, and white flies bothering it which can also be handled through pesticides (5).

Height: 16 - 20 feet
Width: 11 - 15 feet
Growth Rate: Slow Growing
Grow Season: Spring
Flower Season: Summer
Color: Green
Function: Accent
Spread: Non-spreading
Invasive: Benign
Toxicity: Benign
Hardy: Semi-hardy
Water Use: High Water Use

Sources referenced: 
1) Jurema (chloroleucon tortum) Retreived Nov. 8, 2024 
2) Brazilian raintrees and senescence Retreived Dec. 19, 2024 
3) iNaturalist Chloroleucon tortum Retreived Dec. 19, 2024 


Chloroleucon tortum