Provide low to moderate watering during March to October, irrigating when the soil is completely dry. Do not water during winter, and protect from high atmospheric humidity to encourage winter dormancy. In addition, it is crucial to provide the bird's-nest cactus with full sun during the winter months. However, only partial shade is required in the summer, with morning sun and afternoon protection. Plants grown in shade will develop darker and richer coloring than those exposed to bright light.
Feed with a low-nitrogen content fertilizer during spring and summer, and repot every 2 years to encourage growth.The cold tolerance of Thelocactus rinconensis is 20°F, USDA hardiness zones 9a to 11. Additionally, the bird's-nest cactus should be planted in a permeable, well-draining soil with little organic matter, avoiding peat and humus. Maintain a pH between 6.1 and 7.8 for proper growth.
While it is possible for T. rinconensis to produce offsets, the occurrence is rare, and propagation is normally done through seed. Sow directly after the last frost, or plant indoors in vented containers.