Uncarina grandidieri

Accession Count: 1
Common Name: succulent sesame, mouse trap tree, unicorn tree
Family Name: Pedaliaceae
Botanical Name: Uncarina grandidieri
Sub Species:
The succulent sesame plant is a small shrub that forms a thick trunk with a swollen basal structure called a caudex. They usually grow 3-5 meters (10-15 feet) tall (1,2). The stem are stout and, with age, become even thicker. The leaves have small hair structures are 12-15 cm (5-6 inches) long, with a long petiole and 3-5 lobes (1, 2). The flowers of this species are formed in clusters. They are zygomorphic, 5 cm (2 inches) across, a bright yellow color overall with a purplish-red color appearing in the throat of the bloom The succulent sesame has a very unique way of being pollinated. Usually, pollen is delivered to the ovule by pollen tubes that grow from the pollen grain, while this plant does not shed pollen from its anthers. Instead, it requires a pollen-eating beetle to enter the floral tube and bite into the stigma, causing a pollen-containing paste to be released onto the beetle (4). As the beetle moves from flower to flower pollen is transferred to the ovule of another plant, resulting in fruit development (1,4). The fruit is flat and covered in small inwardly pointed spines. These spines have a tiny hook on the end of each of them. Many people find the architect of the succulent sesame to be attractive (1,2).
Compound: Unc gra
Geographic Origin: Madagascar
Ecozone Origin: Afrotropic
Biome Origin:
Natural History: The succulent sesame is native to the dry forest and xerophytic thickets of south and southwest Madagascar (2). This plant is protected and endangered in its native habitat (1). The genus of this species comes from the Latin word uncus, which means hook or barb. This is a reference to the hooked spiny fruits. The name grandidieri is in honor of the French naturalist Alfred Grandidier (1).
Cultivation Notes: This plant can be grown in a pretty wide range if frost does not ensue in the area a person is in. This plant is hardy down to about 32 F.  The succulent sesame grows best in zones 9b-12 (1,2). This plant is more on the tropical side of growing and requires more water than normal desert plants. In its growing season it requires an abundance of water. However, when it's dormant watering should be very sparse (3).
Ethnobotany: Ethnobotany practices of the succulent sesame have been underwhelming. However, other species in the same genus have been used for many practices.

Height: 11 - 15 feet
Width: 0 - 5 feet
Growth Rate: Slow Growing
Grow Season: ForeSummer
Flower Season: Summer
Color: Yellow
Spread: Non-spreading
Allergen: Non-allergenic
Invasive: Benign
Toxicity: Benign
Hardy: Semi-hardy
Water Use: Moderate Water Use

Uncarina grandidieri