Pachypodium baronii

Accession Count: 1
Common Name: Madagascar palm
Family Name: Apocynaceae
Botanical Name: Pachypodium baronii
Sub Species:
Characteristics: Pachypodium baronii is slow-growing succulent that reaches up to 6 feet tall in its native habitat, but remains smaller if grown in cooler climates or in containers (1,2). It develops an attractive spine-covered, swollen trunk that tapers at the top into a few slender branches (1). Thick, glossy, dark-green leaves with pink midveins are produced at branch tips. Dark pink flowers, which have yellow or cream-colored centers, emerge in the spring and last up to a month or more (1,3).
Compound: Pac bar
Geographic Origin: Madagascar
Ecozone Origin: Afrotropic
Biome Origin:
Natural History: Pachypodium baronii is endemic to northern Madagascar where it occupies sub-humid and dry woodlands (1,4). It is considered an endangered species and few wild populations remain in its native environment due to fires and collection for the horticultural trade (4). Pachypodium baronii var. windsorii, a smaller variety found only in the northernmost part of the island, frequently develops a globose caudex (2,5). The plant’s genus name derives from two Greek words: pachys, which means “thick,” and podion, the diminutive of pous, which means “foot.” The specific epithet baronii honors Richard Baron, a missionary and botanist who lived and worked in Madagascar (6).
Cultivation Notes: Madagascar palm should be grown in coarse, well-draining acidic soil in full sun (5). It should be watered frequently in the summer but kept dry during the winter (5). In warmer areas, it can be grown outdoors. The plant is frost sensitive, however, and tolerates only light frosts, so it should be protected or brought inside when low temperatures are expected (5). The plant is tolerant of drought, but will drop its leaves if water stressed (5). Pachypodium baronii is strongly phototropic and will gently bend toward the sun (3,5).

Height: 0 - 5 feet
Width: 0 - 5 feet
Growth Rate: Slow Growing
Grow Season: Summer
Flower Season: Spring
Color: Pink
Function: Accent
Spread: Non-spreading
Allergen: Non-allergenic
Invasive: Benign
Toxicity: Benign
Hardy: Tender
Water Use: Moderate Water Use

1. Accessed February 4, 2017. 
2. San Gabriel Cactus and Succulent Society. Accessed February 4, 2017. 
3. Accessed February 4, 2017. 
5. Learn2Grow. Accessed February 4, 2017. 
6. "Baronii" in Eggli, U. and Newton, L., Etymological Dictionary of Succulent Plant Names. (2013). Springer Science & Business Media. 


Pachypodium baronii