Senna wislizeni

Accession Count: 13
Common Name: shrubby senna
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Family Name: Fabaceae
Botanical Name: Senna wislizeni
Botanical Synonyms: Cassia wislizeni
Sub Species:
Characteristics: The shrubby senna is a winter deciduous shrub that can grow up to a height of 12 ft (3).  Its branches and stems have thorns, are deep brown and have compound leaves alternately arranged on its stems (1, 2). Leaves are pinnately compound, range from 2-5 cm (1-2 in) long, with  6-10 leaflets per leaf (1). Flowers are conspicuous, with orange to yellow, asymmetric corollas that are 2 cm (~1in) in diameter. Groups of flowers form towards the ends of branches and are borne on panicle inflorescences (1). Fruits are dark-brown legume pods that are thin and flat and can range from 10- 12 cm (5-6 in) long (1).
Compound: Sen wis
Geographic Origin: Desert Southwest
Ecozone Origin: Nearctic
Biome Origin: Desert
Natural History: The shrubby senna is native to New Mexico, Northern and Central Mexico, Arizona, and Texas (1). It is frequently found in these regions growing in rocky soils on dry slopes, mesas, and desert grasslands in plains at elevations of 1100-1700 m (about 3000- 5000 ft) (2, 3). Its genus name, Senna, is derived from the Arabic word, sana, which describes plants with laxative properties (4). Its specific epithet is named after botanist Dr. Wislizneus who dedicated his studies to plants native to Mexico (1)
Cultivation Notes: This plant is cold hard to USDA zones 8-10, tolerating temperatures as low as –17 degrees Celsius (0 degrees Fahrenheit) (1). This plant can tolerate most soils but prefers soils neutral in alkalinity and that have adequate drainage (5, 6). It prefers full sun exposure but can be planted in shade and is very heat tolerant (1, 5). During establishment, moderate watering is recommended, followed by lower water use later on but would always do well with supplemental watering during hot months (5).
Ethnobotany: There are no known ethnobotanical uses for the shrubby senna. However, plants of the genus Senna, have a wide range of medicinal properties that are derived from all parts of the plant (7). For instance, another plant of the same genus, Senna racemosa, is also native to Mexico and aids in treating fever, diabetes, and diarrhea (7). Another Senna that is also native to the same region is the Senna villosa, which is cultivated for its leaves that treat skin infections, inflammatory ailments, and painful menstrual cramps (7). The plants under this genus have also been cultivated for their ability to be able to absorb chemical pesticides and pharmaceuticals, as well as being able to absorb harmful pollutants from nearby soils, waters, or air (7).

Height: 6 - 10 feet
Width: 6 - 10 feet
Growth Rate: Slow Growing
Grow Season: Summer
Flower Season: Summer
Color: Yellow
Function: Accent
Spread: Non-spreading
Allergen: Non-allergenic
Invasive: Benign
Toxicity: Benign
Hardy: Hardy
Water Use: Low water Use


1. Desert Tropicals,Retrieved October 31, 2024

2. SEINet SW Biodiversity,Retrieved October 31, 2024

3.The University of Texas at Austin - Wildflower, Retrieved October 31, 2024

4. National Parks - Flora and Fauna Web,Retrieved October 31, 2024  

5. Arizona Sonora Desert Museum,Retrieved October 31, 2024  

6. Texas Native Plants Database, Retrieved October 31, 2024  

7. Science Direct,Retrieved October 31, 2024      


Senna wislizeni