Euonymus japonicus

Accession Count: 8
Common Name: evergreen spindle; Japanese holly
Family Name: Celastraceae
Botanical Name: Euonymus japonicus
Botanical Synonyms: Euonymus lucidus
Sub Species:
Characteristics: The Japanese holly is a bright green broadleaf perennial, woody, shrub that can reach up to 5 m (15 ft) with a slightly smaller spread in cultivation. The shrub is dense, due to its tightly packed stems. Stems and branches are green tinted. Its leaves can range from dark or bright green and have a glossy and waxy texture (5). They are 2.5-7.5 cm (1- 3 in) long, have an ovate shape and are arranged oppositely along its stems (5). Its tiny 5-6 mm (about 0.24 in) diameter flowers. which have a cruciform corolla made of four, small, round white-cream-colored petals, are borne on cyme inflorescences.  (1). A distinctive feature of its flowers are its 4 stamens attached to the base of the flower that are spaced between each petal, and its noticeably superior ovule. When fertilized, the flowers bear red capsule fruits that contain up to 8 seeds per fruit (1).
Compound: Euo jap
Geographic Origin: Japan, Korea, China
Ecozone Origin: Palearctic
Biome Origin: Subtropical
Natural History: The Japanese holly is native to Japan, China, and Korea but has been distributed to a vast range of countries in east Asia, North America, South America, Australia, and naturalized plants occupy much of Europe (1). In its native habitat, it grows from sea level to 1,500 m (4,900 ft) elevation (1). Naturally, it grows in forests along coastlines, shrublands, and on roadsides (1, 2).
Cultivation Notes: The Japanese holly is tolerant of maritime exposure as well as poor and saline soils making it well suited to many desert locations (4). While it tolerates a variety of soils, it grows best in loamy soils that contain clay (3). It can be propagated through seeds or stem cuttings. If propagated by seeds, it is recommended to plant them in dry soil (2). It can take up to 18 months for seeds to germinate and seedlings are slow to establish in soil (2, 3). Once established, this plant prefers to be watered moderately but benefits from supplemental watering during the hottest months. This plant performs best in full sun but also does well in dappled sun and shade (3). It is cold hardy to USDA zones 6-9, tolerating temperatures as low as –10 degrees Celsius (14 degrees Fahrenheit). If it is grown as a hedge, pruning to keep its shape might be necessary, however, it is best to avoid pruning prior to the cold seasons as this plant is cold sensitive in our climate (2).
Ethnobotany: This plant has been widely cultivated as landscape ornamental and is typically used as a hedge. Despite its toxicity, its leaves are not only edible if they are prepared properly but they also produce a dye used in foods (2). This plant is also used medically as its bark has properties that boost vigor, promote diuresis, and treat joint pain (2). In China, compounds derived from the plants are used to assist women during child delivery (1). In Russia and Spain, roots and stems of the plant are used to produce rubber that can be used as an electrical insulator (1). This plant was also used from leaf extractions for skin and hair products (2).

Height: 11 - 15 feet
Width: 6 - 10 feet
Growth Rate: Fast Growing
Grow Season:
Flower Season: Spring
Color: Green
Function: Accent
Spread: Spreading
Allergen: Allergenic
Invasive: Benign
Toxicity: Toxic
Hardy: Hardy
Water Use: Moderate Water Use


1. CAB Digital Library Retrieved December 2024.

2. The FernsRetrieved December 2024.

3. Plants for Our FutureRetrieved December 2024.

4. Missouri Botanical GardenRetrieved December 2024.

5. North Carolina State UniversityRetrieved December 2024.


Euonymus japonicus