Ilex cornuta

Accession Count: 21
Common Name: Chinese holly
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Family Name: Aquifoliaceae
Botanical Name: Ilex cornuta
Botanical Synonyms: Ilex fortunei
Sub Species:
Characteristics: The Chinese holly is a broadleaf evergreen shrub that can grow up to 3 m (10 ft) tall or be trained as a tree and grow to heights up to 7.5m (25 ft) (1). The canopy is typically round, and branches and stems can be grey or light green. Its leaves are dark green, simple, glabrous, oblong, 1-3 inches (2.5-7.6 cm) long and are alternately arranged on the stem (3). . This plant is dioecious meaning it does not contain male and female flowers on the same plant; male and female flowers are on individual plants (4). Its flowers are inconspicuous, very fragrant, white and tend to be about 61-85mm (1/3 - ¼ in) long (1,3). Its flowers are borne from axillary buds on cyme inflorescences (3). The female plants bear red berry like fleshy fruits called drupes, which are less than an inch long and ripen during the fall (3).
Compound: Ile cor
Geographic Origin: Eastern China, Korea
Ecozone Origin: Palearctic
Biome Origin: Temperate broadleaf forests
Natural History: This plant is native to China and Korea and has been naturalized in U.S. states Alabama, North Carolina, and Kentucky as a common landscaping plant (5). In its native range, it can be found growing on ravines and hills on elevations from 150 to 600 m (about 492- 1968 ft) (2). It can also be found growing on shrublands, roadsides, sparse forests, or near villages at elevations from 100- 1,000 m (about 328- 3280 ft) (2).
Cultivation Notes: This plant is cold hardy to USDA zones 7a-9b, tolerating temperatures as low as 0 degrees Celsius (-17.8 degrees Fahrenheit) (2). If this plant is planted outside those USDA zones, it is recommended to provide winter protection including mulch to prevent roots from freezing (1). This plant can tolerate most soils but prefers well drained soils that reduce risk of waterlogging (1, 4). Soils should moderately wet, but this species can tolerate periods of drought  once established (1). It can do well in full sun but prefers partial shade and protection from the afternoon sun in hot climates (1). It is best to prune this plant in late winter if necessary to maintain its size, berries and flowers will appear on new growth during blooming season (3). It can be propagated by seed and can take up to 18 months to germinate (2).
Ethnobotany: This plant is commonly grown as ornamental plants in landscapes such as hedges or small trees. Its red berries attract a variety of birds (1). The berries of this plant are edible and are known to be sweet (2). This whole plant is used as an abortifacient, contraceptive, and tonic as well as in the treatment of fevers, and flatulence (2). All parts of the plant can also be used to treat arthritis, lower back pain, joint pains, fevers, and symptoms of tuberculosis (2). This plant can also be used for cosmetic products such as skin care or other skin protection products because extracts from this plant promote moisture retention  (2). Like many plants in the Ilex genus, its leaves can be brewed as a tea for its medicinal properties that function as a carminative for gastric issues or as a contraceptive if used by women (2).

Height: 11 - 15 feet
Width: 11 - 15 feet
Growth Rate: Moderate Growing
Grow Season: Spring
Flower Season: Spring
Color: White
Function: Screen
Spread: Non-spreading
Allergen: Allergenic
Invasive: Benign
Hardy: Hardy
Water Use: Moderate Water Use

1. Missouri Botanical Garden. Retrieved November 22, 2024. 
2. Useful Tropical PlantsRetrieved November 30, 2024.
3. North Carolina State UniversityRetrieved November 30, 2024.
4. Plants for A FutureRetrieved November 30, 2024.
5. Nature Serve ExplorerRetrieved November 30, 2024.

Ilex cornuta