Asclepias subulata

Accession Count: 74
Common Name: desert milkweed, rush milkweed
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Family Name: Asclepiadaceae
Botanical Name: Asclepias subulata
Sub Species:
Characteristics: The desert milkweed is a perennial that has leafless stems that can grow three feet long and are grey-green in color.The desert milkweed is composed of vertical, grey-green, leafless stems. Leaves appear on new growth and drop soon after.  
Compound: Asc sub
Geographic Origin: Desert Southwest
Ecozone Origin: Nearctic
Biome Origin: SW, MX
Natural History: The A. subulata origin is Southwest Desert. In the USA the rush milkweed thrives in California, Arizona, and Nevada. Outside the states the A. subulata can be found in Baja California, Mexico(2).
Cultivation Notes: This independent plant requires little care and is valued for its landscape aesthetics, such as, poolside, outstanding by itself, habitat for butterflies, and patio. To help the desert milkweed rejuvenate simple cut it back before the winter seasons. Watch out for potential problem like aphids and excessive watering.
Ethnobotany: People commonly use the rush milkweed for landscaping. This plant is placed by poolsides,is outstanding by its self, and common along foot traffic.

Height: 0 - 5 feet
Width: 0 - 5 feet
Growth Rate:
Grow Season:
Flower Season: Fall
Color: Yellow
Function: Accent
Spread: Non-spreading
Allergen: Non-allergenic
Toxicity: Benign
Hardy: Hardy
Water Use: Low water Use

  1. Shuler, Carol. Low-Water-Use Plants. Da Capo Press, 1993. 


Asclepias subulata