Acacia pruinocarpa

Accession Count: 3
Common Name: black gidgee
Family Name: Fabaceae
Botanical Name: Acacia pruinocarpa
Sub Species:
Characteristics: Acacia pruinocarpa, commonly known as Black Gidgee, is a small, slow-growing thornless tree, native to Australia and adapted to hot, dry climates (1, 2). The tree grows approximately 20 feet tall and wide with a rounded canopy and a somewhat well-defined central leader (single-trunked when pruned). The leaves are long, green phyllodes between 3-7 inches long and ¼” – 1”wide. They are coated with a powdery wax, sometimes described as “pruinose” – thus, the species name. The canopy is dense but the long floppy leaves convey a more loose, open form (2). In Spring, bright yellow flowers emerge from racemes that are 1-5” long (2). cover the tree. Pods that form in the summer and remain on the tree throughout the year, are oblong, flat and raised over the seeds, creating ornamental value and producing little mess in the landscape.
Compound: Aca pru
Geographic Origin: Australia
Ecozone Origin: Australasia
Biome Origin:
Natural History: Acacia pruinocarpa occurs naturally in arid areas of Western Australia and extends into the northwestern corner of South Australia and west-central parts of the Northern Territory. Throughout its wide distribution, it is most commonly found on rocky hills with shallow loam or clay, over rock or hardpans (2).
Cultivation Notes: Black gidgee grows easily from seed without need for any seed treatments to remove dormancy (2)
Ethnobotany: This is an attractive with terrific potential landscape ornamental value as a shade tree or visual accent. It has some potential to produce suckers from the roots and may spread into dense stands. It produces a dense and darkly colored wood that is used for making furniture, wood crafts and musical instruments. It is somewhat vulnerable to borers. The foliage is a nutritious feed for livestock in Australia containing 13% crude protein and abundant total minerals (3). The roots often harbor grubs that are eaten by indigenous people in its native range. Aboriginal and indigenous peoples of Australia also burn the young stems and foliage and grind the ash into a mixture with chewing tobacco as a stimulant (4, 5). The species also produces small amounts of a sweet, edible gum used for chewing (5).

Height: 16 - 20 feet
Width: 16 - 20 feet
Growth Rate: Slow Growing
Grow Season: Spring
Flower Season: Spring
Color: Yellow
Function: Shade
Spread: Spreading
Allergen: Non-allergenic
Invasive: Benign
Toxicity: Benign
Hardy: Semi-hardy
Water Use: Low water Use

1. Arid Zone Trees

2. _World Wide Wattle 

3. Mitchell, A.A. and Wilcox, D.G. (1994). Arid shrubland plants of Western Australia. 2nd Ed. (pp. 478). (University of Western Australia Press in association with the Department of Agriculture: Perth.)

4. Juluwarlu Aboriginal Corporation (2003). Wanggalili: Yindjibarndi and Ngarluma Plants. pp. 128. (Juluwarlu Aboriginal Corporation: Roebourne, Western Australia.)

5. Young, L. (2007). Lola Young: Medicine Woman and Teacher. Complied by Anna Vitenbergs. pp. 160. (Fremantle Arts Centre Press: Fremantle.) 

Acacia pruinocarpa