Maytenus phyllanthoides

Accession Count: 6
Common Name: mangle dulce
Family Name: Celastraceae
Botanical Name: Maytenus phyllanthoides
Sub Species:

The mangle dulce is a desert shrub with light green leaves. These leaves are small, round and leathery. The mangle dulce tolerates salinity and poorly drained soil. It is also a winter evergreen and keeps its leaves year-round.

Compound: May phy
Geographic Origin: Mexico, Texas
Ecozone Origin: Neotropic
Biome Origin:
Natural History:
The mangle dulce is native to Mexico and Texas and has been distributed to Bahía Magdalena, Bahía de los Angeles south, and on the Gulf of California islands (3).

Cultivation Notes: The mangle dulce has a slow rate of growth and requires moderate amounts of water. It tolerates salinity and poorly drained soils. Mangle dulce does well in full sun environments and is a hardy shrub that suffers at temperatures below 15℉.

The mangle dulce has landscape value as a large shrub for background and screening.

Height: 11 - 15 feet
Width: 11 - 15 feet
Growth Rate: Slow Growing
Grow Season: Summer
Flower Season: Spring
Color: White
Function: Screen
Spread: Non-spreading
Allergen: Non-allergenic
Invasive: Benign
Toxicity: Benign
Hardy: Hardy
Water Use: Moderate Water Use

  1. Jones, Warren D, and Charles M Sacamano. Landscape Plants for Dry Regions: More Than 600 Species from around the World. Fisher Books, 2000.

Maytenus phyllanthoides