Dalea capitata

Accession Count: 1
Common Name: yellow dalea
Family Name: Fabaceae
Botanical Name: Dalea capitata
Botanical Synonyms: Parosela capitata
Sub Species:
Characteristics: Yellow dalea is a low-mounding ground cover that grows up to a foot tall and spreads three to four feet in length (1,2). The tiny foliage of yellow dalea is tightly packed on trailing branches with red tips where new growth has occurred. The lime-green foliage of yellow dalea is finely textured and bipinnately compounded. The yellow pea-like flowers of lemon dalea grow on top short spikes and attract Both the leaves and flowers emit a strong lemony scent when disturbed (1,2).
Compound: dal cap
Geographic Origin: Mexico
Ecozone Origin:
Biome Origin:
Natural History: Yellow dalea is naturalized in areas of central Mexico but first documented in Coahuila, Mexico (3).
Cultivation Notes: Yellow dalea is an extremely durable ground cover that can withstand droughts and a variety of soil types (1,2, 4). Yellow dalea has a USDA minimum zone of 6 (1). The plants low maintenance and ability to deter rabbits makes it popular with desert landscaping (1,2,4). Lemon dalea is commonly planted along borders, medians, rock gardens, and any tight garden space (1).
Ethnobotany: Yellow dalea attracts pollinators and hummingbird to any garden it is planted in (4). The plants’ primary function is as an accent in desert landscaping.

Height: 0 - 5 feet
Width: 0 - 5 feet
Growth Rate: Moderate Growing
Grow Season: Summer
Flower Season: ForeSummer
Color: Yellow
Function: Habitat
Spread: Non-spreading
Allergen: Non-allergenic
Invasive: Benign
Toxicity: Benign
Hardy: Hardy
Water Use: Moderate Water Use

  1. Lemon Dalea - Dalea capitata - Civano Nursery Retrieved on August 8th, 2022.
  2. Plant Detail (nmsu.edu) Retrieved August 6th, 2022. 
  3. Tropicos | Name - Dalea capitata Retrieved August 6th, 2022. 
  4. Dalea capitata - Horticulture Unlimited Retrieved August 6th, 2022.

Dalea capitata