Equisetum hyemale

Accession Count: 25
Common Name: scouring rush, horsetail reed
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Family Name: Equisetaceae
Botanical Name: Equisetum hyemale
Sub Species:
Characteristics: Equisetum hyemale is a non-flowering evergreen plant featuring long, green tubercles that grow up to six feet tall (1,2,3,4) and half an inch in diameter each (3). These tubercles are mostly hollow and segmented (1,3). At the segmentation, a small, dark ring of leaves appears around the stem (1,3). This plant grows natively throughout the U.S. and Eurasia, and is typically found on the edges of water bodies or in wet woodlands (3).
Compound: Equ hye
Geographic Origin: North America, Eurasia
Ecozone Origin:
Biome Origin:
Natural History:
Cultivation Notes: Equisetum hyemale tolerates a wide range of soils and sunlight (3). In wet soils, it will propagate aggressively if measures are not taken to cull its spread (1,2,3).
Ethnobotany: Equisetum hyemale is used as a homeopathic remedy (1,2). It's common name, scouring rush, refers to its coarse fibers which Native American tribes used for cleaning (2,4)

Height: 0 - 5 feet
Width: 0 - 5 feet
Growth Rate: Fast Growing
Grow Season:
Flower Season:
Color: Green
Function: Accent
Spread: Spreading
Allergen: Non-allergenic
Invasive: Benign
Toxicity: Benign
Hardy: Hardy
Water Use: Moderate Water Use

Equisetum hyemale